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Thursday, May 8, 2008

SuperDay+13: Flippin' the Bird

I interpreted the reported aftermath of yesterday's closed-door superdelegates meeting with Hillary based on her statement afterwards that she thought she had enough support to flip the bird.

This morning, it appears that some others think so too:

Was that a signal to superdelegates -- telling them that if you want me out of the race, come out and endorse Obama? In a way, it seemed she was almost daring supers to come out and endorse Obama. Yesterday, four did (see below), but it was just four. It that a sign of how Democrats are still afraid to be against the Clintons?
-MSNBC's FirstRead

You stand in front of crowds each day who shout your name. Perhaps it's partly understandable how hard it is to let go.

It's a lifetime, on the line too. At least, that's how it must seem in the thick of it, I imagine.

[Note for new readers: "SuperDay" is the day that supers should have realized that Hillary cannot win among elected delegates, so that the supers should declare themselves and we can stop having Bill Clinton going about campaigning against the Democratic nominee, for one thing.]