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Friday, May 23, 2008



Update: After years of listening to the Right decry gay marriage as the entrée to polygamy, what do you read in the rightwing journals?

Well, you just have to file these away to see just how accommodating of many wives and children they are, really. (One doubts it would be the same for them if it were many husbands, but no matter).

The question then becomes, if they don't care, why should their "slippery slope" objections be taken seriously, whatsoever?

From the "Real Men of Genius" at The Corner:

  • "Justice in Texas: ... It was shocking what the State of Texas did."- John Derbyshire. Sounds like an open door, to me.
  • Ko-Lo: nothing, nada. She's bleating on about how McCain surprised her by politely disagreeing with Ellen, instead. No outrage from the "Family" Research Council... AND - isn't this rich - she's complaining about "Planned Parenthood". Savor that rhetorical juxtaposition...
From the eddy called Townhall.com

  • Mike Gallagher: "The mass abduction of hundreds of children ... But when the day comes that the government comes breaking down the doors and tries to make children permanent foster or adoptive children because of the peculiar religious beliefs of a particular group, our nation is in big, big trouble. ... Everything about this story is rotten. It's the textbook example of a zealous government destroying the United States Constitution in order to grandstand and pretend that they are only interested in protecting the children."

    All NAMBLA needs to do is declare themselves a "religion", now, I guess ...

    But the best is yet to come, from Mike. It's all on moral equivalence with homeschooling: "Already, the state of California has made no secret of its intention to outlaw homeschooling. " That's right. Homeschooling is the same as spreading your legs for Jesus at age 17...or earlier.

    Yet, maybe that wasn't the best. It goes on: "It was written in 1925 and it said that the government can pull off pretty much anything as long as it's done under the guise of protecting the children. ... It was written by Adolph HItler in 'Mein Kampf.'"

    You probably don't have to guess what his sentiments on the rights of gay parents to adopt and/or have kids.

    He seems blissfully unaware that the Supreme Court came within a whisper of legitimizing thought crimes, when it comes to child porn, just this week, in the interest of protecting children. Yes, we do a lot to protect kids and sometimes it is quite justified ...
  • Hewitt - silent so far, but check out: "Cooke is one of the leading consultants to some of America's largest churches, and his book Branding Faith, is the perfect book to read before attempting anything like the [Evangelical] Manifesto."
  • Maggie Gallagher? So far as I can tell, nothing to say. Shoulder shrug. Could be, couldn't be.
  • David Blankenhorn? For someone who has written about fatherhood so much, he seems to have nothing to say about uber-fathers. If kids cannot be denied their father, what does it mean, practically speaking, for a kid who's father has 22 wives and who may, theoretically at least, have hundreds of brothers and sisters? I'm sure that kid gets a lot of quality father time.