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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

GOP Destroys American War-making Capacity

GOP's wartime posture...
The upshot of McClellan finally saying what George Tenant did not, when Tenant had his own wild book-ride that was just bizarre, is that America's capacity for war-making has been wrecked. No one will trust anyone with a case for war, short of direct attack.

We add to the loss of credibility from the WMD fiasco and its very expensive aftermath (do you know how much the search for WMD in Iraq cost you?) McClellan's in-plain-sight idea that ... the propaganda took on a life of its own.

To a thinking person, all these were reasons to dump Bush-Cheney in '04. At that time, the sign posts were almost all out in daylight.

Americans, many of them, have no one to blame but themselves.

And they aren't finished paying yet ... (and it may be more than Iraq's costs).