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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Condi Rice Cleared Then Facilitated

WaPo reports Condi's NSC had more than just 'on-paper', ex ante approval of enhanced interrogation - they had the FBI's written misgivings ex post ...

The 370-page report [from the I-General] draws heavily on e-mail messages and contemporaneous memos to provide the clearest and most definitive account to date of the key tactics used by the government against suspected terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. It describes, for example, a "frequent flyer program" meant to lessen resistance by extensively disrupting sleep, use of strobe lights in conjunction with loud rock music, twisting of thumbs backward, and exposure of detainees to extreme temperatures, threatening dogs, pornography and sexual taunting.

It would appear that the entire U.S. government "failed", with the exception, possibly, of the JAG corps ...

When you have the military guaranteeing the constitution/law, that realization sorta makes you feel like you live in a banana Republic ... So much for the utopia of small government conservatism.