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Friday, May 23, 2008

He's Baaaack


Krauthammer, master of moral equivalences and advanced finger-waver, only a short while ago was seemingly agreeing with the line that engagement requires conditional surrender by your enemy (...aka, all talks require preconditions), comes up with this gem:

Most of the time you don't negotiate with enemy leaders because there is nothing to negotiate. Does Obama imagine that North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba and Venezuela are insufficiently informed about American requirements for improved relations?

The sheer arrogance no longer astounds, does it? THEY learn about US, don't they?

Part of the hope of talking with others is to learn something about them, that might prove useful.

His idea that megaphone diplomacy is enough for "enemy leaders" is terribly counterproductive for most of the problems that we face. Indeed, in cultures that value at least paying lip service to consultative governance, "isolation" is a highly western and arguably counter-productive stance.

Most of the leaders in the so-called Arab League get together periodically, often ending by insulting each other, but they still get together.

No, I think it is well past time to get off the neocon pedestals. And that begins with saying, "there he goes again!"