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Thursday, May 8, 2008

SuperDay+13: 37 Days Of More B.S.


A "senior Clinton official" pretty-promised one of HuffPo's inquiring people that there would be at least 37 more days of b.s. from the Clinton campaign.

Of course, "37" is some sort of imaginary line in time. As craftily described, this timeline could relate to anything, even things outside of campaign Clinton's control (flash-forward: "Back when we said that, what we were talking about was {insert constructive ambiguity}, so now..., and therefore,... Convention Food Fight!").

Therefore, ... yeah, it's a headfake. [Notice, too, that Clinton didn't say it (flash-forward: "Terry was not authorized to say that. I'm sorry.")]

Meanwhile ...

HILLY AND BILLY REV UP "GENERAL LEE" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) FOR KY AND WV!

Hi, I'm BiLuke and this here is Hill-Beau.

Don't let the blond hair or jeans fool ya. Hill-Beau's got 'testicular fortitude'.

We got donors who paid for this mess, so back off, man.