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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kennedy Diagnosis - As bad as we feared

We had only about 12 weeks from when the lion of our den had his first seizure to that dreadful day.

Here's hoping that Teddy does better. When you get praise from across the isle from the likes of Trent Lott, you know its real (I'm thinking of the "If they only knew" story, which as dimly as my memory is lit, involves either a thank-you note or a photo...).

In recent memory:

  • Railing on the Senate floor against the dangerous shift toward "preventive war".
  • Echoing with passion and illustration Senator Byrd's first-hour prognostications that the Bush Administration was all about arrogance (how clairvoyant was that?), in dressing down an administration that ended up waterboarding - and the effortless institutional memory of how earlier presidents had worked with the Senate to avoid such closed-door, closed-mind outcomes.
  • One of the few senators to actually get up a head of steam and show some passion on the Senate floor over last year's hate-crimes legislation.