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Friday, April 11, 2008

Jackals Moving Closer to Obama Main Corpus

After having done the guilt-by-association thing to the max, AS notices that the jackals are now moving toward the main corpus, armed with rank distortion (no doubt in an effort to drive up negatives but at the great risk of stirring up racial animosities).

I'm torn how to respond.

It's been plain to me that the far-right is not going to go into the night quietly. I've already remarked the re-newed stridency among a lot of them, who sense their seven-year grip on power is eroding (because Bush still walks around, they are in denial about 2006, in my estimate).

Accordingly, without doing a state-by-state electoral analysis, I'm simply inclined to let their ugliness go on full display unadulterated.


The ability of Obama to continue to "transcend race" is going to be thoroughly tested, which means that we are all going to be thoroughly tested. After having written nervously about this fight, I'm ready, I think.

Among the GOP irregulars, the line is that "change"="hate" (notably "hate America").
The "official" GOP line is that not all change is good.

Among the GOP irregulars, the line is that "change"="hate".

Even the vaunted Spengler writes, "he [Obama] hates America". Could anything be more facially false? I mean, I always thought that, if you hate America, the best thing to do was to become a U.S. Senator and then to try to inspire a whole generation of Americans to get involved in governance. That's *just* what haters do, right?

Or, do they tear apart speeches, impugn people's friendships, and belittle people rather than argue with them?