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Thursday, April 24, 2008

SuperDay+1: Media Fakes - Scorecard

Here is a list of the major media commentariat who haven't come to grips with the fact that there is nothing left to contest except Hillarys margin of defeat among elected delegates.

Table 1. Media perpetuating the myth of a "tight race", "momentum", "a win", etc.

Maddow: No. The only thing outstanding is when the Supers end the race.
Scarborough: Yes - Is actually shamelessly egging Obama on to fight Clinton (for what?)
Harwood: Yes - Is analyzing the race in terms of what it means if Clinton "wins" Indiana
Buchanan: Yes - Thinks that there is something important about "momentum" to analyse still
Gregory: Not sure

Matthews: Yes, mostly - still talking about what Obama needed to do in PA. Has bought into our warrior culture's need for a "fighter". Ug. I liked Obama's message that we need less fighting in Washington. That's not incompatible with being firm and resolute, but it is with "fighting".
Tucker: Yes, yes, yes - thinks that Clinton can "win" (predictable waste of time & space, still)
Lou Dobbs: Yes - calling it a "stalemate"
Crowley: Not voicing an opinion - talking about hardening within the party
Bill Schneider: No. Up to superdelegates


Larry King: ?not voicing an opinion
Wilhelm (former DNC Chair). No. Obama has "an impenetrable lead"
Davis: Yes. Obama "has to show" this or that ... [why is Lanny getting so much press, lately?]
Lisa: Yes. Pretending earnestly that the popular vote matters (I think she means the aggregate vote, which is all we have).
Ed Shultz: No?

updates to come

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