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Friday, April 25, 2008

GOP Turns Its Freak Show Eye-of-Sauron on Ayers


The Freak Show* is set to gobble up Ayers, his wife, his children, his car, his cat ... everything.

They are "reporting" on his office door, today. ... yes, they are literally at the door.

(Reminds one of the childhood rhyme, I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor: "Oh, no, its up to my toes".)

[Wouldn't you "Vote Obama", even on a longshot, just to make it end?]

p.s. I hope if Ayers does finally issue a statement to the press, he finds a way to open up the 'Vietnam Question" for McCain in a very clever way. Sometimes, only in the boomerang, do people ... relent.

*for those who may not know, "freak show" is a term coined by Harris-Halperin to describe the degeneration of American politics.