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Monday, April 21, 2008

Our "National Untouchables", The Freak Show, and Catalyst FOX news

Turns out that Tim Russert has a history with Farrakhan that I didn't know about (after Farrakhan appeared on his show on a number of occasions, the ADL took Russert to task).

Anyway, "Johnny Boy" (what Cindy calls him) has his share of ... zippy quotes:

...I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live...I will call right now, my interrogator that tortured me, a gook...(I can't believe that) anybody doesn't believe these interrogators and prison guards were cruel and sadistic people who deserve the worst appellations possible...Gook is the kindest appellation I can give...

~ Senator John McCain
17 February 2000

Not to put too fine a point on it, do you believe that George Bush, who authorized and participated in torture, is a 'Gook' and will you appoint an independent commission to find out the rest of the story?

Meanwhile, John's bff, Lieberman, has been 'too close for comfort' to our "national untouchable":

And his democratic primary "surrogate", Hillary has been closer, via her PA man, Rendell, than maybe her "personal opinion" on the matter would permit:

Update (sometimes I forget that not everyone finds my points, when couched in pithiness):

Anyway, this is not an apology for Farrakhan or an effort to "rehabilitate" him whatsoever (only he can do that). But can we laugh a little at this attitude that there are individuals on his plane so dark that we have to whisper their names, otherwise we risk being publicly indicted as a sympathizer? Ought we face most sin and sinners, than than run away? If someone acknowledges Farrakhan's failings, over which there is little doubt, how much harm does one risk merely to have discussions? The notion that a mere handshake commits one to endorsing a person's entire set of views is so political that it's beyond me.

I guess that reasonable people could draw the line in different places (I'd be uncomfortable sharing a dais, for instance, most likely - NOT that I'd be asked). So, that may be the 2-inches in this "story" about our National untouchables that we argue passionately about, keeping us from substance beyond Harris-Halperin "Freak Show".