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Friday, February 1, 2008

While Ronald Reagan Doodled


The one-on-one format elevated him instantly and he commanded the stage and the occasion.-AS

A doodle by Barack Obama sold for $2,000. A bargain.

(Hey, handwriting analysis experts, check out that "B" and the "b" over the "O"...!

Obama. Hillary.)
I actually saw something new this go around, maybe because the camera was able to show the reactions of the person who was listening, not talking. (If you are studied, you learn not to always watch the 'loudmouth' in the room ...).

In the past, his appearance seemed (to me) a bit too conversational/abstract, not enough in the fight.

Tonight I thought I saw someone who could be in a room with a lot of very high-power policy talent, and not feel a need to direct or dominate the discussion, to be at the center of attention. (In other words, you might not guess he went to Harvard).

If true, if that is part of his 'management style', then I wish I knew more about it, sooner. The last debate on 'management' got covered by the low-value "embeds" - no one that I've seen has actually fleshed out a written comparison of the candidates's executive styles (except, perhaps, in one of the books I haven't read) and the cheap analysis about "Hillary's acolytes".