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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Can I Get You a Pillow?

God, the Clintons are disgusting.-AS

Whoa, there big fella. Bill and Hillary can both take big shots, but this isn't one of them.

The question that mounts in this flap over The Photo is where is Barack Obama, the guy who is supposed to unite us on race? In an incident that his campaign has used superlatives to describe, he's AWOL, right?

Look for that to be a possible theme. The way Obama transcends race is to ... ignore it? His campaign runs a whole set of photos of him on his website. I'm not saying they should include everything, but they have made a deliberate choice to exclude some stuff. Frankly, if they weren't ready for The Photo, then they have no one to blame except themselves.

Update: From comments at Douthat-comma-Ross:

"This picture first appeared in late 2007. It then appeared in The National Examiner on February 4th. Next, the photo was seen on Free Republic. Finally, it appears on Drudge a full two weeks later with unsubstantiated sourcing and the media blames Clinton for it?"