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Thursday, February 28, 2008

In search of Honesty

Mere appeals against "the white flag of surrender" are not arguments. We're waiting. For honesty. -AS

Is it just me, or do appeals for "honesty" ring hollow on a blog that is spinning against Clinton (less so, for Obama) better than could Rumplestiltskin?

Seriously, this apology for copying doesn't even come close. There is no sense that some other politician gave the Gettysburg Address. Using the same or similar rhetorical formulation - even the cadences - is not verboten. However, as I indicated earlier, lifting passages without amelioration is slippery, and worse in the context of being the inspirational speaker of a generation. It was a mistake, and the question that a truer journalist would be asking is whether it was indicative, part of a prior pattern (I doubt it, but that doesn't mean that one's job description changes ...).

So, if I were AS, I'd drop this one. It's a loser.

In general, the Obama-frenzy crowd are going to have to pick and choose which hits they are going to take. Trying to blot them all is going to become brittle fast. He's just a guy afterall, even if some think he's ... celestial:

Bienvenido a la gran nacion!

"...y traernos todos juntos en esta gran nacion"

Peron! Peron!