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Monday, February 25, 2008

McCain Enemas Not Over Yet

Sort of speaks for itself, as an almost perfect capsule of all that is wrong with Washington and caps it off with a magnificent finish: all the bickering and no quorum among the referees!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The national Democratic party wants campaign finance regulators to investigate whether Sen. John McCain would violate money-in-politics laws by withdrawing from the primary election's public finance system.

McCain, who had been entitled to $5.8 million in federal funds for the primary, has decided to bypass the system so he can avoid spending limits between now and the GOP's national convention in September.

Federal Election Commission Chairman David Mason notified McCain last week that he can only withdraw from public financing if he answers questions about a campaign loan and obtains approval from four members of the six-member commission. Such approval is doubtful in the short term because the commission has four vacancies and cannot convene a quorum


The scrutiny on McCain is ... going to be relentless.

Isikoff (Newsweek) reports that the firewall-of-unknowing is not quite so airtight as simply getting up and saying, (paraphrase) 'No one brought their concerns to me'. (via Ambinder).