By a quirk of fate, I was forced to listen to an entire Tucker Carlson program tonight.
After having my view refreshed at to how much of a hack* his string of opinions amounts to, I left the program just exhausted at the same-old, same-old.
I'm not even sure that the new meat of a first-term Obama Presidency (or whomever) is going to refresh that palette.
[p.s. Tucker, how does one go effortlessly from "complaining" that the Clintons' injected race into the campaign, then insisting that the Obama campaign respond to Louis Farrakhan?]
*Update: "hack" is not precise. "hackneyed" is better, yes?
Separately, overheard this on FOX today, regarding Obama:
"...his [Obama's] actions don't match the record." - random strategy guest
I ... where do you even begin with something like that? Isn't the record just the collection of all actions and words? If so, how can it be at odds with itself?