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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Frenzy versus Enthusiasm

... a loss or a landslide victory that could change American politics for a generation. - AS

This is why "old people" vote Clinton, apart from 'cheap identity politics', perhaps.

They've lived longer, so they understand "change" better than the young 'uns.

They may recall Jack Kennedy as a weak President, who got it "wrong" from day one on Vietnam, did weird economic things (like an interest equalization tax), and was a little slow on the draw on various equal-rights issues. They might also note that Ted Sorensen is now writing Obama's stuff, reportedly, so that complaints about "smoke and mirrors" are ... how shall we say, disingenuous.


They might remember Ronald Reagan as ushering in an era of make-believe, that covered over a systematic assault on the judiciary, the appointment of bizarre figures like James Watt, and an unnecessary arms race that left a huge financial burden that has been unmatched until the GOP just recently took all the levers of power under Bush.


Hope? Sure. Hope wisely. Even better.