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Monday, February 25, 2008

Si, Se Puede - Hablamos Inglés

We can do what? Run the snakes out of Ireland?

An expedient phrase, a throwback, from just another politician, seeking votes:

OBAMA: Well, I think it is important that everyone learns English and that we have that process of binding ourselves together as a country. I think that's very important.

-BO, CNN Texas Debate

Meanwhile, the guy for whom journalists could find no detractors among his law review colleagues, because Barack got along with everyone?

Well, one of the Senate's towering dead woods, John Warner, calls on the Obama Campaign for facts, saying that the Senate has "no higher calling" than to supply the troops.

Eyes roll. Way back.

I wonder if someone took a survey of troops throughout history of whether they felt fully supplied at all times, if it would even break 20% ... I suggest that one reason Eisenhower was 'disciplined' about using the military, less so than being a "realist", is that he knew first-hand the sheer wastes of war that have little to do with actual killing and blowing-shit-up.

I hope those facts are there, otherwise Obama's ...er, lack-of-message-discipline is going to move from being a quick one liner to a major speed bump, in an election bound to be about National Security, if the GOP candidate has his way ...