I laughed so hard at Max Blumenthal's mini-documentary I almost cried.
I don't know who Michelle Malkin is really (and it seems unlikely that I'd want to), even though AS passes out Malkin awards. However, AS might need a place-name, next:
It was cute to watch her stridently referring to her views as an attempt to engage in a significant intellectual argument, while looking away from the actual people who might be affected. So stunningly conceived, she might be the best thing for Liberalism since ... Herbert Hoover (who I don't think ever signed a photo of a 'Hooverville'):
Blamed by many for the Great Depression, Hoover was widely ridiculed: an empty pocket turned inside out was called a "Hoover flag;" the decrepit shantytowns springing up around the country were called "Hoovervilles."
Meanwhile, the Dems will probably get Corn Mo for their next get-together, and we'll have that and probably an antithetical video to boot. Until then, "thanks for all the music ..."