... every GLB Serviceperson stands up and tells their superior, "I'm gay and I want to serve my country." - A Reader
We really do have the power. - AS
*sigh* That's a child's wish. It's more evidence that AS doesn't have any underlying theory or methodology for getting to goal on gay-rights, just a collection of feelings.
Reading this, I'm reminded of those who used to stridently insist that if everyone came out of the closet we would have not only acceptance, but the world of our dreams, too. Well, we now have out and open athletes, authors, businessmen, scholars, ... just about the whole panoply, even Mark Foley. So, where's the dream world? (Is it the end of "gay culture"?)
Don't get me wrong, it is good for individuals to come out as early as possible. But these one-step programs have always read like juvenile fantasies to me, a child's wish that the world could be changed with a brushstroke.
link: Bootstrapping Andrew Sullivan