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Thursday, March 22, 2007

More HRC


The Rev. Gene Robinson writes in a note to the W Blade (is that a subscription magazine?):

THE HRC RELIGION Council has been organized strategically to reach out through the media to tell the stories of LGBT people in a way that has never been done before.  From Larry King to the Associated Press, we have spoken to more than 90 million people in a little over a year — on TV, in print and on the radio. Literally, we have spread the good word in this country and are making sure that we are no longer ceding religion and faith issues to the radical right.

Apparently, AS is willing to subordinate all the good work that the HRC may do ... without him.

Meanwhile, while egos clash over who is older, enemies are not so quietly making plans to take advantage of the carping:

It looks like Don and Tim Wildmon are going to the gutter again, scouring the internet to find some video of a Pride parade to use as an excuse to oppose hate crimes legislation. It's the latest action alert, urging the AFA sheeple to write their representatives in Congress.

The recast of the valuable HRC logo does not belong to Bay Windows, according to this blogger. I wonder if The Atlantic knew what they were getting into when they bought a blogger so brazenly willing to taunt people in unseemly ways?


Listen, if Joe Solmonese and HRC can’t handle Michael Petrelis, how the hell are they going to handle the real enemies facing our community?

LOL. They did handle the situation.

We need Larry Kramer and the 250 activists who demonstrated in Time Square this week.

I would never mention it if AS hadn't brought it up, but one of those demonstrators is a highly paid member of a National LGBT group. I know lots of people who would stand in Time Square for that kind of money.

Here is another, praising the HRC for "getting it right", even though they are wrong on his calculations:

Four years ago, Elizabeth Birch got it right

link: Bootstrapping Andrew Sullivan