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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Evangelicals on Torture, D'Souza, and

There is not much more on D'Souza in the 7,400 words of AS that hasn't been remarked here. There are some additional details about how D'Souza continues to get his dance card filled. (The revamped TNR must be paying by the word, now).

I cannot imagine what writing such an essay must be like for AS.

With D'Souza's star apparently tagged but still given a place in the Conservative firmament (annointed by W.B., Jr., even), Andrew, with his Oakshottianism, must feel like the guy at the dinner party who looks up and suddenly realizes that he is the only one with a black tie, that the joke is on him, the black sheep. Soldier on, but I don't envy him.

Meanwhile, I couldn't help but notice that the National Evangelicals have put up a 'No Torture In Our Name' sign and done it alongside Human Rights. D'Souza must be pulling his hair out, over that, as he is writing in his defense how former President Carter's adherence to Human Rights was the first domino in the chain that killed 3,000 people on 9/11/2001.

link: Bootstrapping Andrew Sullivan