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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Media Literacy

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The Factory!

Self proclaimed "culture" warrior Bill O'Reilly has a segment on the Fox website in which he tries to learn about his own body language from - well, another of those "age appropriate" female Fox guests and reporters (I've made off-the-cuff observations just recently about the apparent age discrepancy between their male and female on-screen folks). The segment reviewed is Colbert's visit to "The Factor-y".

It scares me terribly that O'Reilly is getting schooled in kinesics, a field that used to be a hobby interest of mine (pioneered in part by a ballet dancer). Can their propaganda machine get any more well oiled?

Anyway, he's also talking up a study that their kicking up of dirt has dented people's perceptions of the old-platform media groups. On the face of it, it is hard to know whether that is good or bad, whether it is forcing people to become better consumers of information or whether it pidgeon-holing people to trust only their [FOX?] "clan" for news.