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Saturday, March 31, 2007

We Are All British, Now

Too much already about 'humiliating' Britain and "weakness is a provocation" and listening to Ollie North and Newt Gingrich.

No one likes to feel impotent in a situation; but, face it, that is the agony of a hostage situation. I give credit to Jimmy Carter for his long patience in this regard (even though he left those helicopters in the desert).

What have people learned about fighting the war of ideas, the propaganda that Iran is spinning right now, using the hostages as their megaphone? Apparently little, if the first reach is for other things.

When people get together to formulate a message tailored to the regional struggle that Iran is trying to be a player in, when they figure out how to turn this into a propaganda disaster for Iran and Iranian legitimacy, then they will be on the right path, IMO.

... oh, and it cannot just be Tony Blair. It has to be done in concert.