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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Comebacks, not Civics, is what "Reagan Revolution" has morphed into?

The most painful thing for me was the sight of so many young people growing up believing that this is conservatism. -AS on C-PAC, 2007

I had a similar experience about nine months ago or so, maybe less, when I flipped channels and found some guy in front of a group of College Republicans talking about "Conservative Comebacks". No political science background or history background, no sense of why this or that is more desirable, intellectually, from a conservative point of view - at least from what I could tell from the segment that I saw. Just a bunch of quips, apparently, or comebacks. Things to say, not things to think about, admittedly.

And I thought to myself, how the heck has it come to this at school? Why does one even need to go to College, if all you are interested in is memorizing some comebacks that will help to put down liberals? Are these the values, the logical implications of the "Reagan Revolution" - education or indoctrination, you make the call. And how does one propagate that? Each year, do you get a new edition, so you know what to say?

This guy actually has a well funded and arguably politically connected publisher. So, you could argue that the rot is deep and hard to pull up at the roots. And the book is currently at #1,363 on Amazon, which is not shabby!

Is it so old-fashioned to suggest that if you want to do a College Political group good, Republican or Democrats, that you dust-bin the "comeback" books and focus on civics, on history - political or more, on analysis of various political systems, and maybe some other nation's systems of laws, quite apart from the US Constitution?

Oh, I'm not certain, but I believe the author was given a place at C-Pac introducing someone ... *blink*
