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Monday, June 23, 2008

Snip of the Day

Alex Castellenos, a Republican media consultant, on Obama's opening gambit in the general election.-AS

There are no "opening gambits" (cf. Safire, vol 1 or 2, I don't remember which). [A gambit is an opening bid/move, so that would be a redundancy].

Separately, I have to compare Plouffe's 18 states, if I can locate the list, with the list of 12 battleground states envisioned by 'consensus punditry', to see what overlap there is. More to come.

I was looking up the derivation of "in the tank", today ... One origin is that comes out of sports betting, from "to tank" a match. Yet, I'm not sure where that phrase came from, so it's rather like a receding goal, so far ...