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Monday, June 23, 2008

More on Trading Liberty for Security in Secret

For anyone who thought my bit was overwraught, Marty says rush-FISA is a black-hole, too:

There is a general sense out there that this new law gives the government substantially more powers to surveille communications of U.S. persons -- perhaps in ways that implicate the Fourth Amendment -- but there is, thus far, very little understanding of how that might be so, and how the new surveillance regime will differ from the one in place from 1978 to 2001.
The most troubling thing of all about the new statute is probably that virtually no one outside the executive branch has the slightest idea what it authorizes, or how, exactly it will work in practice.

Separately, a good point: why are we comfortable subjecting the rest of the government to a lower standard than we have put up for the military?