"I strongly recommend that as a matter of administration, we utilize the new statutory provisions that authorize the AG to make USA appointments."
We now know that a political purge of U.S. attorneys was directed by the president through the attorney-general, and was enabled by the Patriot Act.
Note to self and others: When GOP Presidents come looking for "authorities" with protestations that "this is what we need", realize that they may have ulterior motives and will not adhere, in the short term, to any 'good use' doctrine that you might think would make ab-use unconscionable.
Er, sounds like part of the story of the AUMF resolution on Iraq, eh?
I'm sure Gonzales will resign (and Harriet Miers will have her day at last?). The question is whether and how to go about his misleading statements to Congress, I think. Mr. Fitzgerald's just free ...
link: Bootstrapping Andrew Sullivan