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Thursday, September 6, 2007

GOP Debate Gases from N.H.

Romney wimped-out in front of McCain's hyper-impassioned wing-flapping on the surge progress.

Giuliani continues with his perplexing phrase, "terrorist war". He's still potentially the most dangerous man in the world.

The rest: Gays, God, and Guns - who knew? Oh, yeah, immigrants are terrible and very, very frightening.

Do yourself a favor and find out just how much the cost-overuns on that vaunted San Diego fence ran to. It cost taxpayers something like $10 m-i-l-l-i-o-n a mile, by the time it was done. Last year's massive appropriation was ... just a small downpayment. And that's probably smaller still, compared to The GOP's Upcoming "Fine, Deport, and Detain" Recession.

Hey, who cares? The GOP are for "small government" and "keeping America strong", just until they aren't. (*cough*)

Perhaps, with their turgid radio-network, the GOP pushed the immigration issues toward nonsense in the last round; but, I suspect, that the Dems could win immigration issues in a fair fight (if Lou Dobbs ever goes for re-education, that is ...).


Did you notice that abortion is so fundamental an issue that people have to vote on it. Just think about that contradiction. It might make you laugh all day at the GOP.