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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bush Administration was Just a Dream, like that Season of Dallas

"The defining characteristic of the conservative is that he knows what he doesn't know," - my attempt at a definition of the best kind of conservatism in "The Conservative Soul." -AS

It's just a shame that the Republican party is more largely engaged in knowing what other people don't know.

(hey, I thought it was a cute line, at the end of a long day ...)

Actually, this long video that AS posted from the Southern Avenger came to mind in another context.

Its kinda hilarious that it was all just a dream, now that eight years of Conservative rule have just gone by. "Oh, THAT - that wasn't it."

Well smother 'em with jam, but I'll be darned before 'it was all a dream' gets by without a belly-laugh.

Besides, the GOP can't "rebrand" the party, technically, until the Iraq "war" is over, although, there are some who are trying to have it both ways now.

Someone should keep track of all the nasty things that Romney has said about Bush, just in case facts-on-the-ground pick up a positive tone in the last weeks before Nov '08.