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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Jonah Goldberg : Case In Point on Manufactured Outrage

It wouldn't be the first time or the first pundit to throw away their credibility, almost wholesale, on military issues, but this takedown from ThinkProgress must be excruciating for so many of those on the Right who wrap themselves in military worship but only when it suits them:

[General Wesley Clark] acts just like the vast majority of general officers that it has been my displeasure to deal with during my 16 years in the U.S. military. Generals are, for the most part, a gigantic pain in the ass and we usually accomplish our military objectives despite their chaos-inducing presence. There are a few good generals here and there but most of them are an embarrassment. […] - Jonah Goldberg, by incorporation

Read them all - yes, there's a long list, not just an offhand comment!