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Monday, September 24, 2007

Moveon.org, Round Three

Coulter and MoveOn deserve each other. If you can't condemn the one, you have no business condemning the other.-AS

Uh, ... prove it?

Here is the list of what Moveon.org is involved in. How is this the same as Ann Coulter's deliberate sensationalism?

The ad still repelled me.-AS

And ... wouldn't the reason why be important? I've already given my reasons why and they have to do with the broader implication of the ad, not the ad itself.

Either way, if the NYT wants to recover, it needs to fire someone.

Well, here's an "ad" that "repelled me" profoundly, and I'm still waiting for the R-ubberstamps in the Senate to condemn the NY Post and for the NY Post to "fire someone", so let them all go first, ahead of anything the Times does, as a gesture that it is important to them:

New York Post (February 14, 2003)