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Friday, September 7, 2007

Usama bin-Laden: Still Crazy, After All These Years

The only proof U.S. intelligence has that bin Laden [age 50] is even alive are his own videos. - CBS News
He's the only guy to have released more tapes than Steely Dan - SNL, circa 2002

"...militant followers, who normally frown on
trimmed beards as a sign of vanity."


In a tirade against capitalism, the speaker mentions the leaders of the west – George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown, references to the new French president and the new British prime minister.-FT

Maybe he's worried that the Iranian radicals are showing him up by hugging and kissing Chavez and Castro?

The notion that people, even the downtrodden, might embrace Islam as a first, best way to embrace communism is crazy. If anything, the Iranians are looking more 'Soviet-styled' communist-totalitarian every day, and at least a few World opinion polls suggest that no one is admiring them ... Islamic, or not.

The Electronic War:

Soon after Washington announced it had the video, all the websites that usually carry statements from al-Qaeda went down and were inaccessible, in an unprecedented shutdown, according to the Associated Press news agency.
The reason for the shutdown was not immediately known.