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Monday, September 3, 2007

A New Hope, a New Heart

Douthat comma Ross and W-2 exchange views on whether the Democrats (a) understand the scope of the political changes underway and (b) can consolidate any political advantages.

It doesn't seem to me that the Democratic candidates see the upcoming as much more than just another election to win. My 2-bit estimate is that the losses of 2000, 2004, and to some extent, the trauma of the deep-pocket attacks on Clinton (some point to Scaife involvement) have left a somewhat timid Democratic party, complete with a few Senators who are content to play defense in the hopes of a long career ...

Of course, I could be dead wrong. It's just a read of the tea leaves.

Notwithstanding, the time to press Democratic advantage continues to be now and into this fall, from a long-term, strategic perspective. Waiting until a new GOP figurehead emerges is a grave mistake and a sign that the strategists may be thinking in terms of 'running just another national campaign', rather than setting the stage for something potentially more significant.