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Monday, September 10, 2007

Lack of Professional Judgment

Talk about the morale of the troops. Some officers won't even talk to FOX Opinion Channel. I wonder how they feel about 'their guy' having an 'exclusive' with the "news" channel that so many soldiers think don't show anything about what is going on in Iraq:

They are going to be calling him "Hannity's Hannibal" if he doesn't get media smart ...


Editors at FOX surely rank among the worst in the world.

Remember, these joys are the first, in my living memory or knowledge, to have ever serialized an interview with a sitting US president, when they allowed O'Reilly to do so (for ratings? for ad revenue?).

Now, they have an exclusive interview of extreme national importance, and but do they hold off their breaks? No.

Ambassador Crocker can now add helping FOX to sell erectile dysfunction meds (cialis) to his resume.

General Petreaus can now add sitting for an ad by Freedom-something-something.org in which a marine tells us that Iraq is 'worth it'.


You think that is all of it? It's an exclusive with matters of life and death in the balance. FOX editors choose to run a news ticker in front of the screen!


How many of you were just waiting for Brit Hume to pop the 'ticking bomb' question to Ambassador Ryan Crocker?

Of special note: Brit Hume said, "You have suppressed the insurgency by al-qaeda." Just think about that a little bit. Al-qaeda is now classified as part of 'the insurgency' at FOX.

More comments later, but I'm a bit stunned that "AQI" has such an huge network in Iraq. Assume that Petreaus' slide represents a fraction of the entire network, that can launch 200 rockets a month, launch 70+ suicide and car bombings, and manage a media, sniper, and IED network that stored up to 4,400+ caches of weapons (12 per day), no doubt paid-in-full. Something doesn't add up. "Spectacular car bombs" are reported to be part of the 'Sunni insurgency' most of the time...