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Monday, September 3, 2007

Adding Cuba to GOP's List of Foreign Policy Failures Under Bush

Steve Clemons, currently standing in for AS, has the dope on Cuba policy. (h/t Matt-Y).

As you may recall, the GOP, under Bush, pushed through new restrictions designed to hasten the end of the regime. As expected, it's done nothing except fuel a sense of ... righteousness?

We can add this to the GOP's mounting and dangerous failure in Latin America.

Chris Dodd's statement is the only one that is evocative. The purpose of 'containing' Castro seems to no longer exist.

Had the U.S. been set on a course of constructive engagement and built up some valuable trading ties, it may have been able to pressure even Castro to eschew the retrograde Ahmadi-Nejad of Iran.

As it is, our rigidity concedes the field to America's enemies.

Remind how it is that the GOP is 'strong on defense'? ...

Btw, where are the newly refashioned FP realists, inside the GOP? What have they to say about Cuba?