"Race Exits", declares AS. Yawn. We've known this for how many years, now?
What does NOT exist is an "explosive debate". That's something that's still largely manufactured by ... those who would like race to mean something that science hasn't said it does, yet.
Maybe the thing to do is to let the Right run around "exploding" and pick up the pieces when the real science comes to town?
Just wait 'till we find out that "race" predisposes some people to believe in God. That knife cuts both ways, you know - whatever science eventually shows, it will not tilt toward the politics that AS has in mind. I'm willing to bet that to 10-1 odds, at least.
Here's another question on 'questionable intelligence'. For 95% of how society functions, what the hell difference does it make whether your IQ is even 10-20 above or below an average? If Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan can be President ... (ooops...was that too "explosive"?).
Maybe AS wants to rescue Conservatives from the 'Party of Stupid' next? Who knows.
But I think we can answer this "nut"shell, fairly easily:
“To say that such differences aren’t real,” Dr. Clark later said in an interview, “is to stick your head in the sand and go blah blah blah blah blah until the band marches by.” -quoted by AS*Well, to popularize this in advance of fast conclusions from science and without qualification and more is to (a) ignorantly fling open one of the worst Pandora's box that we know of, right?, and one that will not be closed and (b) to provide fertile ground to those who are not "following science" whatsoever on these topics, just prejudice.
This is morally repugnant and negligent, if not criminally so.
And don't tell me that there aren't other "truths" that we don't handle the same way, glossing them over, even in everyday life and in everyday relationships. There are plenty and to focus on "race", as AS has done, is something that speaks to a latent and ugly bias.
*btw, this analogy of the 100-meter race is a clear indication of someone not interested in carefully presenting a scientific viewpoint. It's simply not an accurate portrayal and it is misleading.
AS is popularizing his gross comments about transfolk. Unbelievable. So many fight so hard the uphill battle to get other people not to refer to us by sex-acts, etc., yet AS cannot extend the same courtesy, preferring instead to reduce people to anatomy in order to score "a gain" for his political viewpoint ...
Why is that not surprising? Recently, one gets the sense that it's all about making the right enemies on The Daily Dish. Clearly, transfolk are ... the "right enemies", I guess. What a bizarre and sad world view.
Similarly for popularizing that "'gay and lesbian' community" doesn't exist, "as such."
Look, I'm not one for over estimating the social cohesion of a group as disparate and diverse as "gay and lesbian", but to seriously doubt its existence?
Gosh, I wonder why AS vacations in Provincetown for years now and writes about "gay culture" (can there be a "culture" without a community?).
And, isn't that just willfully violent to the language, if what he really meant was "gay male culture, not the lesbian experience" as much as any effort to reclaim "queer"?
One doesn't mind looking at other ways to think about things, wondering aloud whether "gender" has more import than "sexual orientation". But what's laughable is the attempt to pretend that that effort somehow escapes "crude, dumb and ideologically loaded". Clearly, it doesn't.