LEAVING "T" BEHIND ON ENDAA poll of 500 people, some in and some out of states with existing employment law, is popularized by AS that shows an age-old adage ... if you appeal to a person's self interest, you can divide a community against itself.
Not surprisingly, AS is okay with that politics, unperturbed by that ... Orwellianism.
He thinks anyone who is not is "having a cow" or is an "out of touch" lefty. Heh.
AS's cold heart is laid bare with this little formulation, in what becomes an often blind pursuit of striking out against some enemy he pre-supposes on the Left:
Since Bush will veto any pro-gay bills, this is more theoretically
interesting than politically salient. ... But politics is about compromise and persuasion.
So, there you have it, folks, the Gay-Right "agenda", compromise even when it is "theoretical", not necessary (outside Gay Republicanism, that'd be called principled exclusionism, not "incrementalism").
Instead of threatening the community with taking down the ENDA Bill, perhaps someone in leadership could suggest a three or four year period, during which the maximal effort will occur and during which legislators will be held accountable, instead of passing out backroom political-byes on the matter?
Couple it with empty phraseology ("I'm also in favor of maximal inclusion of people with gender conflicts or transgender identity"). That's quite a barf sandwhich, eh?It's the kind of confused attitude that makes it possible for Dick Cheney, for one, to ... do what he wants, right? And that's not an overstatement. One abandons principle, constitutionality, in favor of ... expediency or self-advancement.
By the way, just to be sarcastic, polls don't mean anything, I guess, until they do. Ask Dale Carpenter, who AS was boosting on the topic just a short while ago.
It's at times like these that one starts to see most clearly the case against the conventional wisdom, the case that "Gay Republicanism" has been a net detriment to the cause, not a net boost. And that's before one considers the exasperating stream of ill-mannered bashing of the HRC that no doubt contributed to their heightened sycophancy to the "legislative process", whatever it is.
Instead of threatening the community with taking down the ENDA Bill, perhaps someone in leadership could suggest a three or four year period, during which the maximal effort will occur and during which legislators will be held accountable, instead of passing out backroom political-byes on the matter?
Instead, we have Congressman Frank's failing "strategy" and a community that is wasting time and energy fighting among themselves, instead of trying to get votes. To top it off, the Director of the HRC is out parsing as "policy" a follow-the-congress approach, with a dollop of "everything like and such as", a la Miss South Carolina.
After listening to that breathtaking bit of Congressional a--, er... hand holding, it's enough to make one think of the following headline: