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Monday, November 1, 2010

One thing Megan will never say

I'm getting a chuckle out of Meagan McArdle's series on the deficit.

Today's gem: "And either way, I don't think you can ignore the huge leap in government spending that has taken place during the first two years of Obama's term."

For anyone interested, here are the tables.
I haven't updated them for Obama. Obama has not exploded spending, beyond the stimulus package. In fact, if you look, they actually found a lot of programs to cut.

One thing Megan will never say: "Republican's raised taxes in every year they were in office since 1980. They just didn't collect them." Think about it. Every unbalanced budget that they tolerated could be thought of as a deferred tax increase.

Last, because of ideological bent, maybe, she doesn't seem to consider that we have a revenue problem. Maybe it's because some think that that is theoretically impossible, i.e. it's always a spending problem, that taxes can never be "too low". Maybe it is, somewhat understandably, because she is influenced by never having known anything but Gover Norquist's GOP.