Listen, the Redskins game was better (and it wasn't nearly as good a game as was Pitt v. Jaguars).
Fred Thompson looked like he had better things to do. At one point, I thought Gibson caught him not paying attention in class ("what was the question?"). His candidacy - he lost a bet or something? (Stephanopoulos thought he did great - so what do I know).
Ron "Inflation Man" Paul ... oh, my. Even Mankiw couldn't unpack all that, kindly or otherwise. Not that he would try. Instead, he writes about Richardson's firm position on cap-and-trade:
The economics is straightforward and uncontroversial. Both carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems put a price on carbon, raising the cost of producing [???] carbon-intensive products such as gasoline and electricity. In both cases, this cost will be passed on to consumers.
Of course, this is not completely true. Utility companies that retro-fit or achieve efficiencies have the option of passing one-time, capital improvement costs on to their investors, rather than consumers. This is why some economists presumably do not like Democrats who propose 'mandates' on the supply-side (including CAFE standards and everything else). [That doesn't mean that cap-and-trade doesn't have it's own, particular problems, and there is more to say; but that's good enough for now].
Giuliani with the best line of the night, "Ronald Reagan gave amnesty" and "If Ronald Reagan were here, he'd be in one of Mitt Romney's attack ads" (paraphrase).
Is it true that McCain hasn't brought home a single pork project for Arizona?
They all still want to stampede the immigrants (McCain's state is trying to do it, right now, even if he isn't so much), which they take as the 'practical' and 'humane' solution to having to deport 12 million people in our midst, the vast majority of which are working and saving.
Did you hear Huckabee spin it as compassion? Leave our shining city on a hill, so that you don't have to live in fear of being pulled over by the cops. Those evangelicals - always loving you to death (and gay people should know - notice that he was the only candidate to mention gay marriage last night?).
It's clear that they won't be satisfied until we've built better than the Great Wall at $100 million / mile or something along the South border, and pumped billions of dollars annually into the budgets of border states for security ...
The GOP is all worried about National Security? Well, as Joe Biden said, show me your budget:
WASHINGTON- U.S. Sen. John Cornyn encouraged Texas fire departments on Monday to apply for grant funding available to increase the number of firefighters and support their work. Sen. Cornyn offered his assistance to firefighters in the application process, which begins today. The funding comes through the Department of Homeland Security's Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program. ...
A total of approximately $110 million is available for fire departments across the nation.
We need Federal funding of fire trucks?