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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Giuliani Gives 9/11 to McCain

It's supposed to happen today, in front of Nancy Reagan, McCain's biggest supporter, at the "Reagan Love-In" in California.

'STAR WARS' is real and necessary, John. Trust me.*

Questions that won't be asked:
  1. Will you pardon Bush-Cheney, if elected? Will your CIA tape interrogations?
  2. Do you believe our dominance strategy in space is stabilizing or destabilizing?
  3. Do you believe that the U.S. stockpiles of biological weapons are safely kept or at risk? What can you promise the American public on that topic, tonight?
  4. How will you work to prepare the American people for a catastrophic event on US soil, either man made or otherwise? What will be your message, from day one, to Americans? Is it just to watch the yellow-orange-red attack-o-meter?
  5. Do you believe in a continuation oft he Bush posture on global warming, that no nations should "get a free ride", so that, Kyoto, for instance, had to be jettisoned?

*"Reagan wholeheartedly embraced the Star Wars concept for ideological reasons; he persuaded the people of its necessity by tapping into America's "civil religion" rooted in 19th-century Protestant beliefs in American exceptionalism and a desire to make the U.S. an invulnerable sanctuary." -Francis Fitzgerald