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Monday, January 28, 2008

AS's Gaydar Interrupted by Hillary Hate

The 1.2 mega-watt strength of AS's gaydar comes up with this theory without facts:

In fact, they have often done the opposite, using the fear of gay people as a way to triangulate for their own purposes. That matters to me. It should matter to gays and straights who care about equality under the law. On policy, there is no difference between Clinton and Obama. In terms of character, there is all the difference in the world.

When have "The Clintons" ever used fear of gays to their own purposes? Bill Clinton declared the first National Gay Pride day and opened the doors of the administration to gays and lesbians.

Like everyone else in politics who is running a full-spectrum campaign, gay issues are non-issue issues. In other words, they are not a "winning" issue, nor are they a technical issue, so the candidates are all more-or-less neutral, which is the rational political calculation.


Few in the GOP are likely to make the gay issue an issue-issue, this go-round. From their perspective, the political (and court) battles are largely won and there is no need, except in Florida, where there is a new Constitutional Amendment drive after most of the other States have already done something ... Still, we'll see how it goes down in Ohio and the other swing states, where the GOP may run "core values" campaigns (something tells me that the GOP might still give it the old try, despite everything).

So, there is not a lot of courage or character merely to bring it up. Keeping it visibly on the table, however, is laudable, since that is required now (an agent of change). Those comfortable with less visibility might be criticized for being outdated, but not without character, without more evidence.

[update: by the way, I have a new name for my secret plan to have 100,000 new gay registered voters in Ohio in 2008: "Operation Rainbow's End".]


As to who is politically right, we'll find out the in the general election.

McCain will not take chances for gay citizens during the general election. The so-called man-of-integrity has been a complete jerk on employment non-discrimination in the armed forces, a.k.a. repealing DADT.

Romney's worse, because gays don't deserve ... a human right to a family, rights and responsibilities and privileges pertaining thereto, right?


Hillary has offered up some specific ideas about what to do with DOMA. Now, if you are watching, those are fighting words, too. Why? Well, King George "The Decider" has, himself, said that they will mobilize the Constitutional Amendment crowd, just as soon as someone makes an assault on DOMA.