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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Daily Obama

If you were reading The Daily Obama, today, you found some evidence of my old saw, "The Democrats cannot be trusted to govern, and the Republicans cannot be trusted to lead."

too stupid to realize that we've got our Reagan, the reincarnate of JFK, staring us in the face;

Is that fair?

The GOP rejected Reagan, didn't they, in favor of Nixon (1968). Nixon got a hellava lot done, until he went to jail. Not that Reagan didn't emulate Nixon, using the FBI to ... track, er... intimidate, witnesses to the confirmation hearings of Rehnquist, who went on to be a deciding factor in the 2000 We're-In-Charge SCOTUS vote that put Bush-43 up to be ... King.

So, pardon, but prudence demands a really good whiff of the Beaujolais to see how it will season, especially when there is a Bordeaux on the table ...
And the Reagan Devolution? Look what it spawned in its wake. The Abramoff-Norquist-Reed nexus, including a group lead by Norquist that tries to get most everything named after Gip. The unhealthy mix of religion and politics epitomized with Delay smiling for his mug shot and hoping that people would see Jesus in his visage ... And perhaps the most far reaching, the ideological assault on the courts and the DOJ, in which nominees are tracked by whether they "belong" to the Federalist Society or not ...

And look what happened when all the GOP boosters made the case that Bush, who was getting home-schooled in Texas by the likes of George Schultz, at the time, would be a non-risky executive, because he'd have good advisers around him. Turns out, he didn't listen much, except maybe to the dear Harriet Miers. (Does Obama listen too much).

So, pardon, but prudence demands a really good whiff of the Beaujolais to see how it will season, especially when there is a Bordeaux on the table ...