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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Trump Probably Slandered Rosie on FOX

I suspect a review of The Donald's appearance with O'Reilly would be really close to offering up a lawsuit against him for slander, especially the "she ate a lot of cake" comment.

Trump personally shows off his sometimes bankrupt company's er.... pageant properties.
Perhaps he got a call from his lawyers, because, by the time he made it to the late-nite with Larry King, he was bad mouthing everyone on the View, to cover his tracks, most likely, so he couldn't be accused of singling out Rosie or something, just being a general curmudgeon.

I've always associated the Trump name with garishness, given his pink marble monstrosity, but now we can add "classless", without fear of serious challenge. I guess people are mesmerized with having the power to say "you're fired" - how else can we explain the attraction to such a bogus show, like The Apprentice. I cannot think of any business atmosphere where I would rather NOT apprentice, can you?