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Monday, May 7, 2007

NEH Subsidizes "Natural Law" Hatred of Gays

The NEH has awarded $180,000 to a group that has been using "natural law", a theory that dovetails with Catholic moral teaching about "evil" homosexuals, to develop a website to spew their "philosophically-based" subjugation of gay relationships and gay love:

With awards announced today [April 17th] the Witherspoon Institute (Princeton, N.J.) will construct a Web-based resource with links to political and philosophical documents contributing the concepts of natural law and natural rights and their relationship to the American founding and the development of its Constitution,

The real Orwellianism is that this is done under the rubric of "humanities". The bitter part of it is that my federal tax money is going to fund propaganda directed against me, most likely.

The "natural law" arguments about homosexuality, to me, remain the easiest to debunk. I just wish I could get a $180,000 NEH grant to show it.