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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Seymour Hersh: Fatah al-Islam, like Osama before them, is an Uncle Tom

When I read stories about terrorists that our government likes Cheney-Abrams-Bandar like, it's just absolutely crazy enough to be true ...

And I say three cheers to Edwards for taking on that hapless phrase, "War on Terror". If that phrase ever meant anything specific, the GOP have emptied it. The list is long. Just look at what went wrong at Walter Reed to get a sense for whether this Administration really believes it is "at war", or whether it just trots that formulation out when it wants to win elections and pass legislation without accountability. Yes, there is a threat, but the more we think about the challenge as "war" the more incapacitated we render ourselves.

Oh, and by the way, even $200K tax-free didn't allow Wolfowitz to keep his girlfriend ... ouch, IF you believe the NY Post!

Last, 111 degrees in Baghdad and environs today ...