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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dr. Laura Silences Army Wives, Yet Her Army Son Goes Berserk

A lot of people are following the developments over the past week or so in the ongoing National Drama of Dr. Laura Schlessinger, anti-gay mother.

So far as I see, no one has put together these two stories:

Dr. Laura tells Army wives to shut up, while her own soldier-boy may have ... gone into a dishonorable tailspin:

Radio talk show host "Dr. Laura" Schlessinger says she's tired of all the complaints she hears from military wives.

She says those wives "aren't dodging bullets" so she doesn't want to hear any whining.

And while we wait

Radio talk-show host Laura Schlessinger is appealing to news media outlets to respect her son's privacy amid an Army investigation into whether he is behind a lurid personal Web page that featured cartoon depictions of rape, murder, torture and child molestation.

Hey, if true, it wouldn't be the first time Dr. Laura was blindsided by her own self-righteousness.

Maybe she will listen to the concerns of some of those Army wives a little more closely, when she returns from her hiatus.

(hat-tip to bloggernista, here and here)