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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Didn't everyone think Thatcher was a man?

AS says he's angry at Hillary now. "Now". Get it? That will make it all the way to the year-end jokes, since he's been railing against her irrationally for almost a year ...

She [Thatcher] was never the party establishment - always the insurgent. She spent her career telling people to look after themselves, ...

Yeah, Finchley is such a hotly contested, non-establishment place...

As for the rest, it always takes great courage and depth of character to tell people that you have nothing to do for them.

What's more, I'm unaware that she ever talked to women, as women. She always left the impression that she would have been mortified to have met a suffragette.


I saw a C-Span interview today in which one 40-ish lady in NH said that she thought Hillary should have taken better care of her family during the 1990s, rather than trying to be a public figure.

After that, I was even more comfortable that she continues to try to deny the GOP the first female President slot.