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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Kirchick on the Pharisees at National Review

In National Review and Gays, AS says, "The obtuseness and callousness deepens."

First, demerits for linking to a Jamie Kirchick article without forewarning.

Second, I didn't see any case for a "deepening". It looks like the same old Zarathustra boosta. What's new is that JK seems to find this new.

Third, it looks to me like JK got far more incensed over the Jena six, than this "personal" insult from the National Review. Is "heartless" and "negative effect on ..." really the best he can do?

One can just hear Signorile whispering over his shoulder, "Yes, they know it is "personal" Jamie, they don't f-ing want you."

Which isn't to suggest that JK should get more angry. He might try getting ... um... more persuasive.

Separately, the best joke was on Colbert last night: "May a gay Marine marry your only son."