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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

An Elephant Wets Itself: The Snide GOP Exclusion of Ron Paul

Ron Paul, Too Strict a Constructionist for Those who Really Aren't Interested In Living Out the True Horror Of Conservative Rhetoric/Creed, Afterall

AS has been on the story of the GOP trying to expel Ron Paul snidely from among their ranks.


So, my question, then is this.

Ron Paul is clearly a "strict constructionist", when it comes to the constitution.

So, why do "Conservatives" not want him in the Legislature or Executive?

Ans: "Conservatism" in the ruff, despite the attempts to elevate it, is not about constitutionalism or something called "strict constructionism"?

Ans2: "Strict Constructionist" is a code word for Federalist Society judges who are biased, just to "our cause".